Nowadays, post traumatic stress is common place amongst those in the military who return from duty, but when Taxi Driver ($15) was made, back in the day, it was a condition little was known about. Under the masterful direction of Martin Scorcese. Robert De Niro is Travis Bickle, a Vietnam Vet who works the night shift as a New York taxi driver. His mental instability is fed by the sleaze and decadence that exists once the sun goes down in the city and with a pre-teen prostitute thrown in for good measure, this is one of the movies where you will have trouble at times believing what you are seeing. Iconic, classic, you can throw every superlative at the movie and not do it justice, the supporting cast that includes Jodie Foster and Cybill Shepherd make Taxi Driver a stand out piece of cinema that is still as relevant today as when it was released in the 70’s.